- Yearbook / Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies1
- Yearbook 19661
- Yearbook of European studies1
- Yearbook of European studies = Annuaire d'etudes europeennes1
- Yearbook of the Australian Council for Educational Administration1
- Yearbook of the Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences of the Free University of Brussels, 19741
- Yearbook of the International Association for Child Psychiatry and Allied Professions1
- Yearbook of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions1
- Yearbook of the National Council for Geographic Education1
- Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education31
- Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education ; 79th, pt. 11
- Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education ; 79th, pt. 21
- Yearbook of the Politics of Education Association1
- Yearling book1
- Yeats centenary papers1
- Yeats studies series4
- Yeats, W. B5
- Yechʻan midŭm2
- Yechʻan midŭm ŭi chʻaektŭl2
- Yediʻot sefarim1