- N.S.R.B. doc1
- N.S.R.C.P. Publication1
- N.S.R.G. 70-21
- N.S.W. Australia 1:2,000 urban cadastral series2
- N.S.W. Australia 1:25 000 orthophotomap21
- N.S.W. Australia 1:25000 orthophoto map1
- N.S.W. Australia 1:25000 orthophotomap3
- N.S.W. Australia 1:4000 cadastral series2
- N.S.W. Bicentennial oral history collection1
- N.S.W. Branch newsheet1
- N.S.W. Branch newsheet (Library Association of Australia. New South Wales Branch)1
- N.S.W. Dept. of Public instruction: Technical education series1
- N.S.W. Division of Plant Industry bulletin3
- N.S.W. Fabian Society pamphlet2
- N.S.W. Health Department publication2
- N.S.W. Monograph ; no. 501
- N.S.W. P.p. 39 of 19571
- N.S.W. Parliament. Library. Reference monograph1
- N.S.W. Parliament. Paper1
- N.S.W. Public Instruction Department: Technical Education series1