1986 Population Census Ethnicity Committee, 1981-85

Box 72-73
Component identifier:
Series 17
Content Summary:
Meeting papers relating to Zubrzycki's involvement in a committee which was convened by the Australian Bureau of Statistics to advise on the design of the ethnicity component of the 1986 population census
Immediate source of acquisition:
The papers were either donated to the Library (under the Taxation Incentives for the Arts Scheme) by Zubrzycki or purchased from him in several instalments between 1993 and 1999. The initial consignment of records was received by the Library in January 1982 and has been added to several times since this date most recently in 1999.

Access and use

Parent Restrictions:
Please refer to the collection's catalogue record for the access conditions (http://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn1082184).
Parent Terms of Access:
Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.
Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia