Surgeon and Hawkesbury settler, Edward Luttrell transfers a parcel of land to John Dight, 19 March 1810

Folio-Box Shared
Component identifier:
Item 2
Manuscript in ink, folio, approx. 380 x 241 mm, laid paper watermarked "J. Budgen 1806," docketed verso, original red wax seals; dated Parramatta NSW, 19 March 1810, in a secretarial hand, confidently signed by Luttrell, Marsden, Cartwright, Campbell and Dight; old folds with professional repairs, very good.
Content Summary:

This item relates to one of the more substantial of the early Hawkesbury River grants, 400 acres given by Governor King to Edward Luttrell (1756-1824) when he arrived in 1804. Signed by both Luttrell and Dight, the manuscript also features three witness signatures; the preacher Samuel Marsden, one of his prominent proteges Robert Cartwright (signed only weeks after he first arrived with Marsden on the convict ship Anne), and the influential trader Robert Campbell Jun.

Luttrell had spent much of this time pursuing government connections, becoming especially close to Governor Bligh. He was actively disliked by Macquarie (who called him "sordid and unfeeling" in an 1813-dated letter), with the Governor repeatedly petitioned for the surgeon to be superannuated, but Luttrell continued to be granted official sinecures.

The present sale of two acres is all within the Richmond area, made clear by the reference to the land to the north belonging to Annesley McGrath (see following item), who had been given his ticket-of-leave in 1802 and who is recorded here as leasing an acre from Luttrell. This document makes clear that the land was then bisected by the public road running through it, and Luttrell had agreed to move the line of road to the border of the property. The transfer came with strict regulations, including that Dight petition the Magistrates personally regarding the road, and that he perform "a certain portion of Agricultural Labour, namely, to plow Three Acres more the Season next ensuing, and Three Acres more the following Season, making in all Twelve Acres to be plowed" (ie. Dight is again getting the plot of land in return for work by his men on Luttrell's farm).

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Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia