Twenty one audio cassettes, c. 1981-1997

Box 68 (MS 10313)
Component identifier:
File 239
Content Summary:
Twenty one Audio Cassettes. Recordings of the following: Mephisto premiere by Gruppo Brunio Maderna (1991), and by Perihelion (1993); Ekstasis by Song Company (1990 x2); Virelai Metamorphosis by ABC Training Orch/Dommett (1981); Incidental music to Richard III by Qld Theatre Co (1988); Duo Variations by Pollett and Spiers x 2 (approx 1993 and 1994); A Distant Shore by Hunter Orch/Jones/Peelman (1991); In Tempore Stellae by MSO/Chorale/Grieves Smith (1998); Garotte by QSO/Boughen (1983); Septet No 1, Circle Ground by Australia Ensemble (1996); Barren Grounds by Perihelion (1987); Going Into Shadows, workshop by QPO/Peelman (1997); Stick Dance II by Perihelion (1990); Tonic Continent by Griffith Trio (2000); Chorale, Demon, Beacon by Synergy (approx 1995); Dead Songs premiere by Symeron (1993); With a view to infinity... by Flederman (1984); L'Oiseau Fantastique by Schultz Brennan Lanskey (1994); Diver's Lament by SSO/De Waart x 2 (1996); Deja vu, Garotte and O Oriensis recorded by unknown (approx (1981); Tropic of Capricorn: Orchestral Music by Queensland Composers ABC Commercial Cassette, OZM 2002.

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Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia