Press cuttings, articles, correspondence, 1999-2001

Box 1 (MS Acc09.113)
Component identifier:
File 16
Content Summary:
File contains photocopies of various articles and documents, media releases and press cuttings relating to Kinetica, and World 1 project, as well as budget cuts to overseas collecting at the National Library of Australia (NLA). Included is a photocopy of "Looking for Books. A report on access to research monographs" by Leon Cantrell; Australian Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Legislation Committee document including information on Kinetca; several articles including Institutional in-sites: The role of the National Library by Anne Galligan and Trusting librarians too blindly? A review-article by R.L. Cope; papers by Director-General of the NLA Jan Fullerton and Pam Gatenby relating to the National Library of Australia and overseas collecting; and correspondence, press cuttings, and articles and by Robert Barnes.

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Access conditions may apply to this collection, please refer to the collection's catalogue record for further information (
Parent Terms of Access:
Conditions for copying and publishing of this collection may apply, please refer to the collection's catalogue record for further information (
Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia