Manuscript - Tales from Far Tasmania/ Billy's Hunt for the Bunyip, c.1891

Binder 9 (MS 10712)
Component identifier:
File 47
Content Summary:

This item contains indigenous cultural and intellectual property (ICIP) used by/ from a colonial perspective. This property includes the mythology of the Bunyip.

This item includes letter requesting that this collection of 'some original and Australian stories intended as a Christmas Book for children... well received in colonial papers' be forwarded to 'whatever firm or firms you think it is suitable for.'

The proposed book would include: Billy's Hunt for the Bunyip, The Family's Slippers, Cabbages!, Where the Old Years Go, Much too Little!, Kaffa's Easter Dream, and The True Story of a Dreadful Day. Only Billy's Hunt for the Bunyip is included in this file.

Published in the Tasmanian Mail 19 December 1891.

Access and use

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Access conditions may apply to this collection, please refer to the collection's catalogue record for further information (
Parent Terms of Access:
Conditions for copying and publishing of this collection may apply, please refer to the collection's catalogue record for further information (
Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia