Typescripts of articles

Box 3
Component identifier:
File 5
Content Summary:
No.89 God's Demand for Faith, 4pp.; No.90 The Unchanging Christ, pp.1, 3; No.92 Prosperous, 5pp.; No.93 To…Emmaus, 4pp.; No.94 Salvation… Prepared, 4pp.; No.97 He is Able, 4pp.; No.99 Bereaved, 4pp.; No.100 The Veil … Rent, 5pp.; No.102 The Glorious Lord, 5pp.; No.103 Behold a Ladder, 6pp.; No.104 Called Christians, 6pp.; No.105 Christ…the wisdom of God, 4pp.; No.106 Patient Continuance, 5pp.; No.107 Consider…Jesus Christ, 5pp.; No.109 The Dayspring on High, 5pp.; No.110 The Communion, 5pp.; No.111 Glorifying and Praising God, 4pp. Sep 1948; No.113 No title, 'What Did Abraham See?' 5pp. Mar 1949; No.115 Ye are Made Nigh; Let Us Draw Nigh, 4pp. Sep 1949; No.116 The Glory of the Cross, 5pp. Dec 1949; No.118 Men's hearts failing them for fear, 4pp. Jun 1950; No.119 Many happy returns, 5pp. Sep 1950; No.120 The Person of the Saviour, 2pp. Dec 1950; No.121 Unto us a child is Born, 5pp. Mar 1951; No.122 Waiting God's Time, 2pp. Jun 1951; No.123 The Life of the Lamb, 3pp.; No.125 The Sufferings of Christ, 3pp.; No.127 That ye might believe, 4pp. Sep 1952; No.128 'Five Comings of Christ', 4pp.; No.131 'In the Midst', 3pp. Sep 1953; No.132 'There Came Wise Men', 4pp. Dec 1953; No.129 The virtue and need of patience, 2pp. Mar 1953; No.133 Christ a "Divider" of Men, 4pp. Mar 1953; No.134 This Passover with You, 3pp. Sep 1954; No.135 Toward Better (Spiritual) Sight, 3pp. Dec 1954; No.136 Jesus Went Forth, 4pp. Mar 1955; No.137 There stood by the Cross, 3pp. Jun 1955; No.139 Abide with Us, 2pp.; No. 140 'Two Trees of Life'
Immediate source of acquisition:
The papers were acquired from Northcote Deck's son, Dr John Deck. The transfer to the National Library of Australia was facilitated by Patricia Braga, second cousin of Dr Deck, both being descendants of Henry Young.

Access and use

Parent Restrictions:
Please refer to the collection's catalogue record for the access conditions (https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn3548136).
Parent Terms of Access:
Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.
Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia