Bevin Papers, 1945-1951

Component identifier:
Subseries 443-517 (incomplete)
24 items
Content Summary:
Subjects of material copied by AJCP include Imperial relations; United States bases in the Pacific; Australian participation in Indonesian negotiations; emigration to the Dominions; the mission of M.E. Dening to Australia, New Zealand and Canada (1947-1948); the visit of J.B. Chifley to Britain (1948); discussions with Chifley on Indonesia and Italian colonies; Commonwealth defence cooperation; initiatives of H.V. Evatt at the United Nations General Assembly; the Colombo Conference (1950); appointment of Lord Killearn as Special Commissioner for South East Asia; military operations in Indonesia; the Korean War; and the Japanese Peace Treaty. The correspondents include Lord Halifax, Peter Fraser, C.R. Attlee, Sir William Strang, Lord Killearn, Sir Oliver Franks and Percy Spender.

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Available for access.
Parent Terms of Access:
Many of the records digitised as part of the AJCP are still in copyright. Readers wishing to publish or reproduce documents should seek permission, in the first instance, from the National Archives of the UK. Further advice is available from: The National Archives of the UK. Copyright (
Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia