Journal of G. Stapylton, 07 April 1836-03 October 1836
- Component identifier:
- Item (i)
- Content Summary:
- The April-June section is evidently a rewriting of the journal in Vol. 1. There are a number of small differences, a few passages have been condensed, and there are one or two significant additions. A few pages have been removed from the volume e.g. 8-13 April, 26-30 May. The September-October section describes relations with Indigenous Australians; search for a harbour; villainy of convicts; meeting between Mitchell and Hentys at Portland Bay; news of a Tory government in England; speculations about Mitchell's plans for the return journey; Stapylton's distrust of his subordinates; Mitchell's excursion to Mt. Napier; journey through swamps; views of Grampian Mountains; weakness of bullocks; character of Mitchell; Wannon River; departure of Mitchell and light carts, leaving Stapylton and remainder of party at Lake Repose (19 Sept.); Stapylton's boredom at 'fourth edition of a depot'.
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