Private letterbook, 28 April 1848-24 January 1851
- Component identifier:
- Series 2/4
- Content Summary:
Copies of letters from Hornby (Asia, Valparaiso) to various people, including Lord Auckland, Rear Admiral Dundas, Captain Kellett, and William Miller (Honolulu).
(189p., indexed, some faint pages)
Subjects include: complaint against Miller by King of Sandwich Islands; French attitude to Tahiti 'most thoroughly disgusted'; Miller's relations with Hawaiian government; case of Amelia and pirates; movements of ships; Sir John Franklin; situation of Pitcairn Islanders - Queen Victoria's interest on receiving Captain Worth's report; French activities in the Pacific; events in Honolulu in December 1849; opinion of Wyllie and Dillion; his opinion on policy of relieving Pacific station of responsibility for Pacific Islands of far west.
- Processing information:
- M3068
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- Available for Access.
- Parent Terms of Access:
- Many of the records digitised as part of the AJCP are still in copyright. Readers wishing to publish or reproduce documents should seek permission, in the first instance, from the owner of the original material.
- Location of this collection:
Parkes PlaceCanberra ACT 2600, Australia
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