Thompson v NSW Branch. Extracts, Minutes, Correspondence etc., 1923-1932

Component identifier:
Subseries D 189
Content Summary:

Material concering Dr George Stanley Thompson, a member of the NSW Branch. In March 1921, Dr Thompson published in a Sydney newspaper criticisms of the professional handling of a case by another practioner. The case concerned the sanity of Mrs Farr of Dunedin, N.Z. He was expelled from membership of the branch. In May 1922 Dr Thompson filed a declaration and claimed £5,000 damages from the BMA. At the first hearing the jury returned a verdict for Dr Thompson, but he lost the case on appeal to the Supreme Court. Dr Thompson then appealed to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council - which upheld the verdict of the Supreme Court. In 1932 Dr Thompson, now practicing in London, applied to be re-elected to the BMA, his request was refused.

Correspondents include: G.C. Anderson (Medical Secretary, BMA), Sir Henry Brackenbury (BMA), Dr R.H. Todd (BMA, Sydney); (letter of 19 June 1923 gives background to case and discussion of Thompson's eccentric character); Dr W.H. Crago (Sydney); W.E. Hempson, (solicitor, London); Sir Henry Newland (London); Dr G.S. Thompson (Sydney and London).

Includes: Extracts from BMJ, 1924; extracts from Council agenda and minutes, 1924; newspaper cuttings; Judgement of Supreme Court, NSW, 7 May 1923 (printed); Judgement in Supreme Court, NSW (lunacy) re Maud Farr, 3 May 1921 (printed); opinion of W. Hempson re appeal to Privy Council, 9 May 1924; Memorandum and articles of association of NSW Branch of BMA. 1913 (printed)


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