Correspondence between J Chambers Eldridge, Secretary [Eugenics Education Society] in NSW, Mosman, and officials of the Eugenics Society, London re the activities of the NSW Society, 17 December 1912-03 November 1930

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Content Summary:
Includes: Notice of Galton Day Dinner at Baumann's Cafe, Pitt Street, 23 February 1914; Motherhood Movement in Australia; survey of events and legislation, 1921; Proposal Bill for the proposed Qualification of Marriage Act, 1925 - correspondence with Mrs. Marion Piddington (1930), Sydney, and copies of her publications Eradication of Promiscuity and Venereal Disease; Sex Training, Sex Education and Parental Metaphylaxis; Just One Slip: the case against medical prophylactics. (45pp.)
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Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia