- Papers of Thomas Henry Huxley (as filmed by the AJCP), 1827-190817
- Records of the Royal Astronomical Society (as filmed by the AJCP), 1819-26 August 194017
- Papers of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (as filmed by the AJCP), 02 June 1852-188516
- Records of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (as filmed by the AJCP), 1793-192816
- Papers of Beatrice Blackwood (as filmed by the AJCP), 1929-197515
- Collections held by Lambeth Palace Library (as filmed by the AJCP), 1722-1929 (1940-1947)14
- Collections held by the North Yorkshire Record Office (as filmed by the AJCP), 1785-12 May 196514
- Papers of Charles Jenkinson, 1st Earl of Liverpool and Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool (as filmed by the AJCP), 1785-182614
- Papers of the Jevons Family (as filmed by the AJCP), 1850-192514
- Records of the British Medical Association (as filmed by the AJCP), 1914-195814
- Records of the East India Company (as filmed by the AJCP), 1726-183014
- Records of the Wellcome Foundation (as filmed by the AJCP), 1882-198614
- Collections held by the British Library (as filmed by the AJCP), 1563-188813
- Papers of the Hamilton Family (as filmed by the AJCP), 02 October 1839-195513
- Records held by Greater London Record Office (as filmed by the AJCP), 1774-193913
- Records of the London Missionary Society (as filmed by the AJCP), 1796-193913
- Papers of Charles Robert Wynn-Carrington, 1st Earl of Carrington (as filmed by the AJCP), 1860-192812
- Papers of Ellis Ashmead Bartlett (as filmed by the AJCP), 1915-192912
- Papers of the Somers Family (as filmed by the AJCP), 1876-193712
- Records of New Zealand and Australian Land Company (as filmed by the AJCP), 1862-196312