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- Papers of Patrick O'Farrell, 1880-19992,579
- Records of the Australian Lebanese Historical Society, 1890-2015847
- McArthur-Macpherson Family Papers, 1844-2009805
- Papers of Ken Inglis relating to the Dunera Boys, 1930-2020, 1930-2020768
- Papers of J. Northcote Deck, 1890-1959659
- Papers of J.M. Braga, 1862-2000 (bulk 1920-1971)611
- Papers of Patricia Clarke, 1887-2015553
- Papers of Hazel Rowley380
- Papers of Geoffrey Bolton, 1931-2015294
- Papers of Verity Burgmann, c. 1956-2022288
- Papers of Shirley Tuff, 1980-1997264
- Papers of Henry Reynolds, 1966-2016258
- Papers of Kate Grenville, 1980-2020236
- Papers of Michael Alexander Smith235
- Papers of Edward Duyker, 1698-2014182
- Papers of Ann Moyal, 1870-2017175
- Papers of Barbara Thiering, 1967-2011152
- Papers of Kurt Selby (Silbiger), 1926-2003142
- Papers of Dan Sprod, 1938-2018128
- Papers of Ken and Amirah Inglis, 1930s-200884