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- Papers of Peter Sculthorpe1,866
- Papers of Margaret Walker, 1938-1991795
- Papers of Moffatt Oxenbould and Graeme Ewer, 1890-2016, 1890-2016723
- Papers of Elena Kats-Chernin, c.1963-2017678
- Papers of Bruce Smeaton, 1945-2014623
- Papers of Richard Meale, 1890-2009571
- Papers of Kristian Fredrikson, 1940-2010491
- Music scores and papers of Keith Humble, 1920-2005449
- Papers of Meryl Tankard, 1970-2015413
- Papers of Kenneth Hince, 1782-2012396
- Papers of Roger Smalley, 1956-2016370
- Papers of Andrew Schultz, 1981-2018342
- Papers of Roger Woodward, 1960-2017338
- Papers of Graeme Murphy and Janet Vernon, 1971-2008302
- Papers of Peter Tahourdin, 1919-2009286
- Papers of Michael Boddy and Janet Dawson-Boddy, 1967-c.2004231
- Records of the National Aboriginal and Islander Skills Development Association (NAISDA), 1973-2009169
- Papers of Geoffrey Parsons, 1950-2005143
- Papers of Cheryl Stock, 1970-2020139
- Kenneth Leslie Rowell costume design archive, 1943-1993, 1943 - 1993128