- Records of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (as filmed by the AJCP), 1701-19701,032
- Records of the Australian Library and Information Association, 1973-19751,005
- Papers of Peter Freeman, 1800-20211,003
- Papers of Jack Lindsay, 1893-19891,000
- Papers of Tim Bonyhady, 1963-2010945
- Papers of the Brown Family (as filmed by the AJCP), 1829-1899943
- Papers of Alec Costin, 1912 - 2020929
- Papers of Ken Ferguson, 1936-2007916
- Papers of Gordon Bryant, 1917-1991898
- Papers of Herbert Cole Coombs, 1918-1995896
- Papers of Ian J. Mason, 1874-2021895
- Records of the Australian Council for International Development, 1960-2003886
- Records of the Exchequer and Audit Department (as filmed by the AJCP), 1765-1918864
- Papers of Tim Winton, 1980-2015853
- Records of the London Missionary Society (as filmed by the AJCP), 1796-1939850
- Papers of Ernest and Virtie Crome, 1784-1987847
- Records of the Australian Lebanese Historical Society, 1890-2015847
- Records of the Women's Electoral Lobby, 1952-2010845
- Papers of Stuart Macintyre, 1800s-2020s843
- Papers of Alan Villiers, 1900-1980841