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- Papers of Sidney Nolan2,435
- Maurice Bramley archive, approximately 1933-1970653
- Papers of Bernard Smith, 1902-2011474
- Papers of Andrew Schultz, 1981-2018207
- Papers of Beatrice Hudspeth132
- Records of Craft Arts International, 1984-201698
- Papers of Sue Woolfe, 1965-201395
- Penny Tweedie Archive, 1958-2010, 1958 - 201077
- Papers of Damian Smith relating to Sidney Nolan, c.1948-198270
- Papers of Janet Venn-Brown, 1954-202247
- Papers of John P. Ingram41
- Papers of Kristian Fredrikson, 1940-201021
- Portraits of Olga Varona, 1930-195918
- Papers of Anthony Hill, c1900-201216
- Papers of Lynne Murphy15
- Papers of Robin and Patricia Lovejoy, 1921-201214
- Papers of Tim Bonyhady, 1963-201010
- Portraits of prominent Australians, 1992-2017, 1992-201710
- Records of Ausdance National, 1962-202110
- Papers of Shane Simpson, 1958-20159