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- Papers of Graham Richardson, 1986-2001341
- Papers of Mary E. White, 1984-2007334
- Papers of Neville Gare, 1885-2018287
- Records of the Anti-Nuclear and Anti-Uranium Collective (Friends of the Earth Australia), 1970-2020116
- Papers of Margaret Blakers, 1972-201344
- Mallacoota bushfires, Victoria, 2019-202033
- Papers of John Halden Wootten15
- Papers of Tim Bonyhady, 1963-201010
- Papers of Donald and Betty Wood, 1995-20128
- Papers of Sam Lake, 1970-20146
- Murrumbidgee River in flood, Darlington Point, New South Wales, 2022, 20223
- Papers of Christine Fraser1
- Papers of Peter Solness, 1985-19991