- Geoffrey Ingram archive of Australian ballet, 1926-1980643
- Photographs relating to New Zealand collected by Rex Nan Kivell, approximately 1850-1950, approximately 1850-1950639
- Papers of Moffatt Oxenbould and Graeme Ewer, 1890-2016, 1890-2016638
- Papers of Dame Mary Gilmore, 1865-1962630
- Papers of Meryl Tankard, 1970-2015625
- Records of the Committee of Inquiry into Education and Training, 1976-1978620
- J.S. Cumpston Map Collection, 1782-1982615
- Collection of photographs of Sydney, 1920 - ca. 1945606
- Otley Beyer collection of photographs, approximately 1920 - 1950596
- Collections held by the British Library (as filmed by the AJCP), 1563-1888570
- Ronald Bannatyne Lewis collection of slides of Papua New Guinea and Australia, 1953-1964569
- E.W. Searle collection of photographs, ca. 1900-1955, 1900-1955568
- Public Record Office. Personal Collections (as filmed by the AJCP), 1605-1938544
- Da Capo dance band collection, 1913-1967538
- Papers and correspondence of Henry Handel Richardson, 1852-1983526
- British Museum (Natural History Library): Papers of the Department of Palaeontology Archive (as filmed by the AJCP), 08 May 1838-15 August 1986509
- Opera Australia [1996 onwards] : programs and related material collected by the National Library of Australia, 1996 -505
- Board of Customs (as filmed by the AJCP), 1813-1868504
- Papers of Anna Reynolds, 1998-2004504
- Sydney, New South Wales : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.499