- Papers of Vance and Nettie Palmer, 1889-196433
- Collections held by the Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich Branch (as filmed by the AJCP), 16 September 1740-196232
- Papers of Herbert Feith, 1946-200132
- Papers of James Murdoch, 1930-200832
- Papers of John Molony, c.1930-201832
- Papers of Marion Halligan, 1900-2023 (bulk 1980s-2010s)32
- Papers of Mem Fox, 1961-200632
- Papers of Meryl Tankard, 1970-201532
- Papers of Sam Lake, 1970-201432
- Papers of Sir Josiah Symon, 1820-1959 (bulk 1860s-1930s)32
- Papers of Timothy George Calvert Murrell, 1951-200032
- Papers of Tom Inglis Moore, 1918-1977 (bulk 1929-1976)32
- Papers of the Phipps Hornby Family (as filmed by the AJCP), 1847-190332
- Records of the Westminster Diocesan Archives (as filmed by the AJCP), 23 August 1817-193032
- Papers of David Marr, 1920s-199631
- Papers of Graeme M. Clark, 1944-201531
- Papers of Manning Clark, 1907-199231
- Papers of Margaret Reynolds, 1973-200531
- Papers of Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess (as filmed by the AJCP), 1792-180531
- Records of the Australian Olympic Federation, 1970-197631