- Papers of Warren Osmond, 1884-2000 (bulk 1965-2000)24
- Papers and correspondence of Henry Handel Richardson, 1852-198323
- Papers of Athol Johnson, 1959-196623
- Papers of Dorothy Green, 1943-199023
- Papers of John Antill, 1872-198723
- Papers of John Mulvaney, 1605-201623
- Records of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, 1933-199723
- Papers of Kep Enderby, 1970-197522
- Papers of Michael Noonan, 1891-1997 (bulk 1945-1997)22
- Papers of Tom Uren, 1941-199422
- Records of the Church of Scotland (as filmed by the AJCP), 1848-193622
- Papers of Cecil R. Hall, 1909-197221
- Papers of J. H. and D. M. Catts, 1894-196021
- Papers of William Graham Holford, 1st Baron Holford (as filmed by the AJCP), 1948-197421
- Records of Port Line Ltd (as filmed by the AJCP), 1890-196821
- Collections held by the Strathclyde University Archive Department (as filmed by the AJCP), 1856-198720
- Papers of Nicholas Hasluck, 1957-201320
- Papers of Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield (as filmed by the AJCP), 19 March 1847-18 July 188019
- Papers of Elizabeth Salter, 1922-198019
- Papers of George Simpson, 1926-196019