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- Papers of Alfred Deakin, 1804-1975 (bulk 1880-1919)290
- Records of the National Union of Australian University Students / Australian Union of Students, 1934-1991165
- Mary Nolan photographic archive, 1963-1970s135
- Papers of Alfred C. Haddon (as filmed by the AJCP), c.1880-1940115
- Ferguson local history microform collection, 1843-1975108
- Papers of Sir Edmund Barton, 1827-1939102
- Records of the Australian Library and Information Association, 1973-197594
- Richard Bonynge and Dame Joan Sutherland collection, 1741-201591
- Papers of J.M. Braga, 1862-2000 (bulk 1920-1971)66
- Lists and indexes of the Western Pacific Archives, 1857-197561
- Papers of William Morris Hughes, c.1865-1958 (bulk 1930s-1940s)61
- Papers of King O'Malley, 1888-195556
- Papers of David Williamson, 1958-200354
- Papers of Romaldo Giurgola, 1945-201853
- Papers of Robyn Archer, 1973-201350
- Papers of Margaret Walker, 1938-199149
- Papers of Nancy Lutton, 1918-200747
- Joyce Evans archive, 1946-201743
- Records of the Australian Conservation Foundation, Canberra Branch, 1975-199642
- Papers of Ernest and Virtie Crome, 1784-198740