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- Papers of George Foster Pearce, 1909-19372
- Album of Manuscripts of Australasian and Pacific Interest collected by Rex Nan Kivell, 1722-19611
- Australians for Constitiutional Monarchy: Bruce Ruxtons's consititutional debated files, c.1991-20021
- Collection of J. C. Williamson production records and ephemera, 1923-19641
- Collection of papers of C. J. Dennis and Hal Gye, 1913-19661
- Collections containing paper currency-related items in the National Library of Australia, 18th - 20th century1
- Correspondence of Walter Hartwell James, 1897-19131
- Correspondence, 1819-1855, 1819-18551
- Eunice Hanger Collection of Australian Plays, 1955-19591
- Guide to the Blamey Memorial Orations, 1983-19991
- Guide to the Records of Art and Australia, 1964-19891
- Harry F. Chaplin Collection relating to John Shaw Neilson, 1887-19641
- Illustrated manuscripts and diaries of Donald Friend, 1930-19881
- John Batman Deeds, 18351
- Journals and correspondence of the Macandrew Family, 1824-18951
- Letters and poems of Kenneth MacKenzie, 1940-19441
- Letters from Richard Bowler of Brill, 1835-18431
- Letters received by Walter Oscar Paul, 1922-19431
- Letters to John Chapman, 1861-18671
- Letters written by Francis Irvine of Sydney to his father Alexander Irvine Scotland., 1820-18211