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- Papers of Kristian Fredrikson, 1940-20101
- Papers of Lynne Murphy1
- Papers of Marian Macgowan, 1970-19971
- Papers of Martin Boyd, 1854-19821
- Papers of Peter Beilharz, 1974-20141
- Papers of Peter Quartermaine, c.1970-20131
- Papers of Robin and Patricia Lovejoy, 1921-20121
- Papers of Shane Simpson, 1958-20151
- Papers of Sidney Nolan1
- Papers of Sue Woolfe, 1965-20131
- Papers of Tim Bonyhady, 1963-20101
- Papers of Virginia Spate, 1840-20131
- Records of AusHeritage, 1994-20201
- Records of Ausdance National, 1962-20211
- Records of Craft Arts International, 1984-20161
- Records of the National Advocates for Arts Education, 1970s-20161