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- Papers of Anne Deveson, c. 1950s-20151
- Papers of Anne Summers, c. 1940-20181
- Papers of Bruce Petty, 1950-20131
- Papers of Densey Clyne, 1927-20141
- Papers of Doris Mary Dyson1
- Papers of Geoff Easdown, 1942-20031
- Papers of Graham Richardson, 1986-20011
- Papers of Ian Davidson, 1960s - 20161
- Papers of Jacqueline Pascarl, 1976-20121
- Papers of Jill Jolliffe, 1890-20171
- Papers of Kate Webb, 1930-2022 (bulk 1970-2007)1
- Papers of Kenneth Russell Henderson held by Jack Waterford and Ian Campbell, 1900-20221
- Papers of Mike Ladd, 1992-20171
- Papers of Miringa Gay Davidson, 1956-20041
- Papers of Peter Greste and the Greste Family, 1983-20161
- Papers of Phillip Knightley, 1938-20091
- Papers of Wilfred Burchett, 1953-19881
- Records of Craft Arts International, 1984-20161