- Papers of John Olsen, 1957-2015117
- Records of Craft Arts International, 1984-2016109
- Papers of Lynne Murphy101
- Papers of Damian Smith relating to Sidney Nolan, c.1948-198281
- Papers of Jean Battersby, 1966-198575
- Papers of Prue Neidorf, 1894-201568
- Records of the National Advocates for Arts Education, 1970s-201666
- Papers of Martin Boyd, 1854-198258
- Papers of John P. Ingram47
- Papers of Eirene Mort, 1856-199331
- Records of Ausdance National, 1962-202127
- Correspondence from Carol Jerrems to Jon Conte, 1970-197326
- Correspondence of the Gascoigne family, 1971-198020
- Portraits of Olga Varona, 1930-195919
- Papers of Annette Bezor, 1950-200617
- Papers of Andrew Crocker, 1970-198815
- Papers of Marian Macgowan, 1970-199713
- Portraits of prominent Australians, 1992-2017, 1992-201711
- Papers of Peter Quartermaine, c.1970-201310
- Correspondence between Patrick White and Raymond Omodei, 04 April 1984-14 July 20239