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- Papers of Jack Lindsay, 1893-19891,060
- Papers of Tim Winton, 1980-2015978
- Papers of Anne Summers, c. 1940-2018839
- Papers of Ivan Southall, 1935-2015782
- Papers of June Factor, 1939-2020734
- Papers of Fay Zwicky, c.1880-2017, 1880-2017673
- Papers of Patricia Clarke, 1887-2015614
- Papers of Humphrey McQueen, 1964-2021570
- Papers of Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson, 1807-1950543
- Papers of Colleen McCullough, 1958-1981499
- Papers of Carmel Bird, 1957-2022, 1957-2022365
- Papers of Nadia Wheatley, 1946-2017322
- Papers of Kate Grenville, 1980-2020315
- Papers of Libby Gleeson, 1977-2012257
- Papers of Beverley Farmer, 1924-2018231
- Papers of Morris West, 1916-2005217
- Papers of Katharine Susannah Prichard, 1851-1970182
- Papers of Anthony Hill, c1900-2012178
- Papers of Katherine Stirling Kerr Cawsey, 1769-2013 (bulk 1880-1960)165
- Papers of Marian Eldridge, 1942-1997151