- Papers of John Frederick Uhrstrom and Hylda Trevena Uhrstrom, 1904-1987332
- Papers of Michael Boddy and Janet Dawson-Boddy, 1967-c.2004268
- Papers of Luke Styles, 1976-2020262
- Papers of Ian Davidson, 1960s - 2016253
- Papers of Cheryl Stock, 1970-2020247
- Papers of Coralie Hinkley, 1936-2022242
- Papers of W. H. Keith Young, 1950-1983217
- Papers of Alex Buzo, 1968-2004197
- Records of the National Aboriginal and Islander Skills Development Association (NAISDA), 1973-2009188
- Records of the Melba Conservatorium of Music, c.1891-2008157
- Papers of Jim Sharman, 1940-2010151
- Papers of Charles Boyd, 1926-2002142
- Papers of the Claux Family, 1910-2001142
- Papers of Gertrud Bodenwieser, 1919-2020141
- Papers of Desmond Digby, 1953-2014134
- Papers of Jamie and Michael Kassler, 1678-2021133
- Papers of Sidney Jones relating to Dame Joan Sutherland, 1959-2013129
- Papers of Robin and Patricia Lovejoy, 1921-2012127
- Records of the Australian Round Dance Association, 1970-2017123
- Papers of Julian Yu, 1974-2002107