- Papers of Kurt Herweg93
- Papers of Luke Styles, 1976-2020262
- Papers of Lynne Murphy101
- Papers of Maldwyn Rees, 1917- 201999
- Papers of Margaret Walker, 1938-1991948
- Papers of Meryl Tankard, 1970-20151,075
- Papers of Michael Boddy and Janet Dawson-Boddy, 1967-c.2004268
- Papers of Michelle Potter, 1934-201659
- Papers of Moffatt Oxenbould and Graeme Ewer, 1890-2016, 1890-20161,444
- Papers of Moya Crossley and Iza Crossley, 1905-195678
- Papers of Noel Tovey, 1912-2017101
- Papers of Peter Gelling, c1980-201844
- Papers of Peter Sculthorpe2,588
- Papers of Peter Tahourdin, 1919-2009582
- Papers of Prue Neidorf, 1894-201568
- Papers of Richard Meale, 1890-2009690
- Papers of Robin and Patricia Lovejoy, 1921-2012127
- Papers of Roger Smalley, 1956-2016464
- Papers of Roger Woodward, 1960-2017467
- Papers of Sidney Jones relating to Dame Joan Sutherland, 1959-2013129