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- Papers of Sir Robert Menzies, 1905-19785,060
- Papers of Tim Bonyhady, 1963-2010965
- Papers of Anne Summers, c. 1940-2018839
- Papers of Clyde Cameron, 1924-2007750
- Papers of Moira Dynon and John Dynon, 1929-1983710
- Papers of Rupert Lockwood, 1851-2012644
- Papers of Dame Rachel Cleland, 1885-2002601
- Papers of Jane Macgowan relating to the Casey family, 1834-1989594
- Papers of Greg Hartung, 1972-2018486
- Papers of Roger Milliss, 1887-2020420
- Papers of Bill Bowtell, 1982-1994419
- Papers of Graham Richardson, 1986-2001414
- Papers of Janet Venn-Brown, 1954-2022408
- Papers of Verity Burgmann, c. 1956-2022405
- Papers of Kevin Andrews, 1986-2018381
- Papers of Neville Bonner363
- Papers of Peter Shergold, 1974-2022354
- Papers of Nicholas Hasluck, 1957-2013350
- Papers of Lowitja O'Donoghue, 1940-2013341
- Papers of John Halden Wootten327