- Papers of David Smith, 1998-19994
- Papers of Dermot Casey, 1840-197652
- Papers of Dorothy Buckland-Fuller, circa 1924-202286
- Papers of Dudley McCarthy, 1900-1987138
- Papers of Evelyn Ruth Scott, 1977-200315
- Papers of F. M. Pharo, circa 1900-19229
- Papers of Fodla and Frank MacKeown, 1901-198531
- Papers of Geoff Easdown, 1942-200316
- Papers of Geoff Mullen, 1960s-1990s30
- Papers of Gordon William (Bill) Ford, 1952-201091
- Papers of Graham Richardson, 1986-2001414
- Papers of Greg Hartung, 1972-2018486
- Papers of Jane Macgowan relating to the Casey family, 1834-1989594
- Papers of Janet Venn-Brown, 1954-2022408
- Papers of Jean Battersby, 1966-198575
- Papers of Joe Forace17
- Papers of John Halden Wootten327
- Papers of John Poynter relating to Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson (Lord Novar), 1974-201264
- Papers of Kevin Andrews, 1986-2018381
- Papers of Kevin T. Kelly, 1906-2002172