- Papers of Barry York, 1890-2010286
- Papers of Meredith Edwards, 1974-2022275
- Papers of the Casey Family, 1820-1978263
- Papers of Tim Fischer, 1971-2017256
- Papers of the Thomson family, 1797-2017252
- Papers of Alan Neaves and Jean Neaves, 1890-2022225
- Papers of Russell Trood, 1958-2016195
- Minutes of evidence and reports, Commonwealth Housing Commission, 1943-1944192
- Papers of Kevin T. Kelly, 1906-2002172
- Records of the Australia-China Society, 1960-1966166
- Doug Sadler collection of photographs of the Duke of Edinburgh's Commonwealth Study Conference, Australia, 12 May to 4 June 1968142
- Papers of Dudley McCarthy, 1900-1987138
- Papers of Robert Darby, 1671-2019127
- Papers of Peter Golding, c. 1910 - 2014101
- Papers of Gordon William (Bill) Ford, 1952-201091
- Wilfred Burchett Photographic Archive, 1950s - 1980s89
- Papers of Dorothy Buckland-Fuller, circa 1924-202286
- Papers of Jean Battersby, 1966-198575
- Papers of John Poynter relating to Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson (Lord Novar), 1974-201264
- Papers of Stefan Boleslaw Ludwik Swirski64