- Lance Nelson photographic archive, 1961 - 2010305
- Letters from Peter Ryan to Graeme Sligo30
- Letters of Norman Wood to Peter Solness, 1985-19888
- Mallacoota bushfires, Victoria, 2019-202034
- McArthur-Macpherson Family Papers, 1844-2009816
- Minutes of evidence and reports, Commonwealth Housing Commission, 1943-1944192
- Papers of Agnes and Joe Karlik relating to the Anna Salen, 1950-201828
- Papers of Albert Speer, 1932-2012768
- Papers of Albert Speer, 1943-199448
- Papers of Andre Frankovits, 1889-2013142
- Papers of Axel and Roslyn Poignant, 1922-198071
- Papers of Barry York, 1890-2010286
- Papers of Bern Brent, 1895-201949
- Papers of Bryan Rofe, c. 1940-197175
- Papers of Charis Elsé Young, 1834-197885
- Papers of Charles and John Ulm, 1803-201581
- Papers of Cheryl Stock, 1970-2020247
- Papers of Chris Woodland, 1954-201332
- Papers of Dame Rachel Cleland, 1885-2002601
- Papers of Daniela Torsh, c. 1967-2021231