- Papers of Barry York, 1890-2010286
- Records of the Mental Health First Aid Program, 1995-2021285
- Papers of the Casey Family, 1820-1978263
- Papers of Tim Fischer, 1971-2017256
- Papers of the Thomson family, 1797-2017252
- Papers of Cheryl Stock, 1970-2020247
- Papers of Daniela Torsh, c. 1967-2021231
- Minutes of evidence and reports, Commonwealth Housing Commission, 1943-1944192
- Papers of the Mackay Family, 1883-1957184
- Papers of Elizabeth Chong, 1981-2022171
- Records of the Australia-China Society, 1960-1966166
- Papers of Kurt Selby (Silbiger), 1926-2003151
- Doug Sadler collection of photographs of the Duke of Edinburgh's Commonwealth Study Conference, Australia, 12 May to 4 June 1968142
- Papers of Andre Frankovits, 1889-2013142
- Papers of the Claux Family, 1910-2001142
- Papers of Richard Trahair relating to Fred E. Emery, 1933-2012 (bulk 1988-1994)133
- Records of Sander and Sons132
- Papers of Dennis Altman, 1961-2021127
- Records of the Australian Round Dance Association, 1970-2017123
- Papers of Norman 'Val' St Leon, 1937-2016122