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- Papers of J. Northcote Deck, 1890-1959685
- Papers of Sir Alan Walker515
- Papers of Paul Collins, 1939-2021351
- Papers of Morris West, 1916-2005217
- Papers of Barbara Thiering, 1967-2011185
- Papers of Kevin T. Kelly, 1906-2002171
- Papers of Bishop William Morris, 1968-201666
- Papers of Michael McKernan, 1963-200955
- Janet Hawkins photographic archive, 1994-199726
- Collection of James Somerville relating to the pacifist movement in Australia21
- Papers of Barry Coldrey, 1950-200921
- Records of the Women's Auxiliary of Overseas Missions (W.A.O.M) - White Hills Branch, 1914 - 199717