- Papers of L. F. Crisp, 1878-1984655
- Photographs relating to New Zealand collected by Rex Nan Kivell, approximately 1850-1950, approximately 1850-1950655
- Collections of Contemporary Medical Archives Centre (as filmed by the AJCP), 1882-1984654
- Records of the Australian Institute of Urban Studies, 1965-1988654
- Papers of Romaldo Giurgola, 1945-2018653
- J.S. Cumpston Map Collection, 1782-1982652
- Papers of Larry Sitsky, 1912-2003650
- Records of the Royal Astronomical Society (as filmed by the AJCP), 1819-26 August 1940649
- Board of Customs (as filmed by the AJCP), 1813-1868644
- Papers of Rupert Lockwood, 1851-2012644
- Papers of David Armstrong, 1945-1991637
- Papers of Dame Dorothy Tangney, 1938-1986636
- Papers of Geoffrey Parsons, 1950-2005636
- Papers of Geoff Harcourt, 1939-2016632
- Papers of Keith Raymond Meggs, 1920s-2017632
- Papers of Sir James Gobbo, 1951-2018628
- Records held by the House of Lords Record Office (as filmed by the AJCP), 1790-1965625
- Records of the Hydrographic Department (as filmed by the AJCP), 1787-1956624
- Records of the Committee of Inquiry into Education and Training, 1976-1978621
- Records of the Irish National Association of Australasia, 1917-2019621