- Records of the Admiralty (as filmed by the AJCP), 1673-19571,954
- Australian Ballet : programs and related material collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.1,918
- William George And Robert Christie Harvey Photograph Collection, approximately 1910- 19601,826
- New South Wales Australia 1:25 000 topographic series, 1968-1,817
- Kenneth Leslie Rowell costume design archive, 1943-1993, 1943 - 19931,787
- Papers of John Mulvaney, 1605-20161,750
- Records of the Colonial Office (as filmed by the AJCP), 1714-19591,729
- Papers of Fred Chaney, 1953-20121,717
- Records of the Australian Labor Party, Federal Secretariat, 1917-19961,698
- Papers of Sir James Killen, 1933-20061,695
- Papers of Robert Stewart Parker, 1908-20021,687
- Records of the Australian Council of Libraries and Information Services, 1988-19981,680
- Papers of Sir Edmund Barton, 1827-19391,674
- [Australia nautical charts], 1939-1,603
- Papers of Christobel Mattingley, 1909-20191,578
- Papers collected by Leon Kashnor, 1650-18701,571
- Papers of Graeme M. Clark, 1944-20151,569
- Papers of Alan Missen, 1940-19861,545
- Papers of Vincent Serventy, 1904-20061,521
- Brady piano music collection, 1800-19501,494