A man, from lower Waria, side view, wearing a hornbill headdress, Morobe, Papua New Guinea, 1927 Album P783 869/8 Unit ID: P783/1545 Date: 1927
A man from Sulka, holding a decorated post, twice his own height, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, c.1925 Album 869/7 Unit ID: P783/1340 Date: c.1925
A man from the in full homicidal regalia, sounding a wooden trumpet, Manua group, bush Orokaiva, Kokoda, Papua New Guinea, c.1913 Album 869/2 Unit ID: P783/40 Date: c.1913
A man, from waist up, in profile, drinking from a coconut with a European style axe embedded in the husk, Moewe Haven, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, c.1925 Album 869/8 Unit ID: P783/1478 Date: c.1925
A man, head and shoulders, facing forward, hair in dreadlocks, of the Bubu Valley, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 1927 Album P783 869/8 Unit ID: P783/1566 Date: 1927
A man, head and shoulders, facing forward, of Puspus village, Auti, near Moewe Haven, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, 1926 Album 869/7 Unit ID: P783/1409 Date: 1926
A man, head and shoulders, in profile, a flower is behind his left ear, Lehir [Lihir] Island, off the east coast of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, c.1929 Album P783 869/8 Unit ID: P783/1627 Date: c.1929
A man, head and shoulders, in profile, drinking from a coconut with a European style axe embedded in the husk, Moewe Haven, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, c.1925 Album 869/8 Unit ID: P783/1479 Date: c.1925
A man, head and shoulders, in profile, hair in dreadlocks, of the Repu tribe, Repu Valley, Ono River headwaters, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 1927 Album P783 869/8 Unit ID: P783/1562 Date: 1927
A man, head and shoulders, in profile, Lamani village, Bubu River, Morobe District, Papua New Guinea, 1927 Album P783 869/8 Unit ID: P783/1556 Date: 1927