People of the plaque, Japanese landing at Kavieng, 23/01/1942. To commemorate the civilian from New Ireland who died during the war, the plaque was unveiled in Kavieng on the 4th July 2002., 2002 Box 9 (MS Acc14.090) Unit ID: No.12 Date: 2002
Personnel document relating to Speer's work in the Administration, Papua New Guinea, 1947-1949 Box 5 (MS Acc14.090) Unit ID: No.6 Date: 1947/1949
Peter Clay, Weetangera, ACT, corresp with Speer, re Retired Officers Association of PNG, May-Jun 1985 Box 1 (MS Acc12.115) Date: May-Jun 1985
Philip Bogembo visit to Australia, n.d. Photographs with Speer family; with letter from Jane Kombega, Popendetta, to Speer, 28 May 2007, re her father Philip Bogemba Box 1 (MS Acc12.115)
Photograph, B Company, 2/2nd Field Ambulance, Wewak Airstrip, Speer in front row (cut off) Box 2 (MS Acc14.091)
Photographs and documents relatig to employment on "Investigator", zapata oil search limited. 1971-1972 Box 9 (MS Acc14.090) Unit ID: No.9
Photographs, mainly without captions, including Stuart Inder 2000; demonstration at Ela Beach, PNG Highlands, airstrip, nurses, hospital staff, et al., n.d. (1970s?), c.1970s-2000 Box 6 (MS Acc12.115) Date: c.1970s-2000