Tok Pisin texts, and vocabulary, (transcribed from J.J. Murphy's book on Tok Pisin?), n.d., Ms., c.40pp., p/c Box 7 (MS Acc12.115)
To the Chiefs and People Tabua and Nukumanu , re fishing business & separation of the islands from TPNG before self government, 30 Sep 1970, Ts., p/c, 7pp., with W.L Conroy, Director DASF to G. Carson, re setting up a fishing industry at Nukuria, Tuku and, 1970 Box 7 (MS Acc12.115) Date: 1970
Two envelopes of papers returned to Bert Speer by Peter Cahill, rejected additions to the PNGAA archives holdings at the Fryer Library, University of Queensland, selected documents retained, as follows: Box 1 (MS Acc14.091)