A. Speer, Mr Stanley Hinton Christian OBE, papers for article to be published in Una Voce newsletter, No.3, Sep 1984, including copies of notes Donald Denoon made from his conversations with Stan Christian, and many other documents Box 2 (MS Acc14.091)
Auction of Albert Speer's artefacts and books, including catalogue of his books., 17-Jun-04 Box 9 (MS Acc12.115) Date: 17-Jun-04
Audio recordings, two reel-to-reel tapes, both unlabelled, with contents list headed, 'New Guinea Music Today: popular selections of Papua-New Guinea music by Delapah Band, The Rainbows [of Pari] and Kopy Kats', et al., Ms., 2pp. Box 4 (MS Acc12.115)
Australian Ex-Prsoners of War Memorial, Ballarat, Opening Ceremony, Friday 6th February 2004, Order of Ceremony, 13pp., bound Box 21 (MS Acc12.115)
Australian government report on Japanese and other internees and prisoners of war n Australia, including prisoner exchange. P/c sent to Speer by Rod Miller. Box 1 (MS Acc12.115)