Prof. Eysenck, Joseph Berke 1 item Cassette-Box 341 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV006521 Physical Description: 1 item
Prof Mona Wason, Wisconsin Social Work Student 1 item Cassette-Box 342 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV006537 Physical Description: 1 item
Prof Parker, Science Show 1998, Gordon 1 item Cassette-Box 355 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV006571 Physical Description: 1 item
Prof Vaughan Carr, Prof P Beumont, Simon Champ 1 item Cassette-Box 341 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV006527 Physical Description: 1 item
Project proposals and sending tapers for radio; related correspondence, notes and research materials Box 8
Proposal for the telemovie Sticks and Stones about domestic violence, draft scripts, related correspondence with SA Film Corporation and research notes Box 15
Proposal for TV documentary Simon Says; research materials on Women's Health Centres; transcripts of interviews; correspondence relating to The Science Show programme on schizophrenia Box 43
Psycho-analysis and Fiction, Broadcast, ABC 6-4-85, O'Hara 1 item Cassette-Box 341 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV006531 Physical Description: 1 item