Attiwill to Allan E. Ey [4: 1975-1976] - originals in Ey file; Attiwill to J.B. Hood [1: 11 May 1944] - copy Box 3 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Two photographs of Hollis; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Hollis by Mason Pfitzner Box 26 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Two photographs of Hyem; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Hyem by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Hyem's original egg exchange book; (d) Catalogue of his egg clutches (2 volumes); (e) Many of his original field notes on the Sooty and Powerful Owl; (f) A number of miscellaneous egg data cards; (g) Obituaries, copies BDM certificates and many references Folio-Box 29 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Two photographs of Ingle; (b) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Ingle by Mason Pfitzner; (c) Miscellaneous information from the family; (d) Copies of Ingle's war records Box 30 (MS Acc11.034)