(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Radford by Mason Pfitzner Box 42 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of the Gibson by Mason Pfitzner; (b) BDM certificates and reference publications Box 20 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches he collected] of the Gilbert by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Obituaries, BDM certificates and reference publications Box 20 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of all the egg clutches they collected] of the Godfrey brothers by Mason Pfitzner; (b) copies of BDM certificates Box 20 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Anderson by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Copies of obituaries and misc background information relevant to the family tree Box 2 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Anderson by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Copies of relevant family BDM certificates Box 2 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Armstrong by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Includes general biographies, copies of relevant family BDM certificates and references of Armstrong Box 3 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Atkins son by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Includes general miscellaneous notes Box 3 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Bagust by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Copies of BDM certificates; (c) Book - Bagust, L.J. (2003). The Bagust Family History. Published privately by the author. Box 4 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Bantick by Mason Pfitzner; (c) misc BDM certificates Box 6 (MS Acc11.034)