Farewell speech by The Hon. John Brumby, to Sir James Gobbo, Commissioner for Italy, 22.11.2006 Box 1-2 (MS Acc10.075) Date: 22.11.2006
Farewell speeches to The Hon. Mr Justice Gobbo on his retirement from the Supreme Court. Mr D. Graham, Q.C. Solicitor-General for Victoria, Mrs S Crennan Q.C. Chair of the Victorian Bar Council, Mr H. Denby, President of the Law Institute of Victoria, reply by J.A Gobbo, 24.02.1994 Box 1-2 (MS Acc10.075) Date: 24.02.1994
Father's Day Breakfast, Our Lady of Good Counsel Primary School, Deepdene, 03.09.1999 Box 1-2 (MS Acc10.075) Date: 03.09.1999