The five initiates are now prepared for circumcision and initiation into tribal law, 1970s Map-Folio [folio items] Date: 1970s
The initiates' totemic regalia is completed with waistbands of feathered string, ochred armbands and parrot-feather tassles made specially for each boy. Instead of shorts they now wear 'nagas', 1979 Map-Folio [folio items] Date: 1979
The Lapps (box of 30 colour sheets), 2 colour portraits of children and family, 1963 Box 145 Unit ID: 327 Date: 1963
The 'open' part of the ceremony has ended. An elder carrying a sacred dilly bag watches as the boys are whisked away into the bush for further rites within the ritual and an intensive time of learning Map-Folio [folio items]
'The pick of the hops' - article and BW prints - English hop picking, 1960s Folio-Box 78 Unit ID: 187 Date: 1960s
The well-planned burn-off ends precisely as Milpurrur intended at Gatji billabong which acts as a fire-break Map-Folio [folio items]
The young initiates are led into the ceremony ground, Nangalala, 1979 Map-Folio [folio items] Date: 1979
Tibet; India; black and white print East Timor; Kuwait; Australian animals, 1970s-1980s Box 159 Unit ID: 348 Date: 1970s-1980s