Canada and other Dominions, India and Australia, October 1944-November 1944 Unit ID: 57. AJCP Reel No: 6780 Date: 1944-10/1944-11
Captain E. Riou[?]: with an account of the Black cattle and other live stock, corn, etc. purchased for the use of the settlement at Port Jackson (1 enclosure) [2 documents], 1789-12-10 Unit ID: 772 Date: 1789-12-10
Central Economic Planning Section. Files. Records relating to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, 1948-1955 25 items Unit ID: T 229 Date: 1948/1955 Physical Description: 25 items
Certificate from Commrs Transports of permission to Mr H. Dale to ship certain articles on board the Fame convict ship for New South Wales [1 document], 1816-08-23 Unit ID: 14065 Date: 1816-08-23
Chancellor of the Exchequer's Office. Miscellaneous papers, 1853-1949 25 items Unit ID: T 172 Date: 1853/1949 Physical Description: 25 items
Clearing Union, discussions with Dominions (91pp), 1942-1943 Unit ID: 37. AJCP Reel No: 6780 Date: 1942/1943