Mr Cottrell: Council recommending a stay of process against some spirits belonging to Messrs. Enderby & Sons returned in the ship Emilie from the Southern Whale Fishery [1 document], 1790-07-03 Unit ID: 1369 Date: 1790-07-03
Mr Cottrell: on application of owners of ships employed in the Southern Whale Fishery for bounty refused in consequence of some of the men being impressed [2 documents] Unit ID: 2041
Mr Davison: for information relative to 50 Bales of clothing returned from the Royal Admiral [1 document] Unit ID: 894
Mr Davison: respecting a further quantity of clothing returned from the Royal Admiral [1 document] Unit ID: 917
Mr Davison: that he has caused to be received into proper ware houses the Bales turned out from the Royal Admiral [1 document] Unit ID: 965