Reports of Major Hogg: Gallipoli and Asiatic mainland, May 1915-July 1915 Unit ID: 2119/207/72/2. AJCP Reel No: 6882 Date: 1915-05/1915-07
Request from Commonwealth governments to be consulted when Dominion squadrons move to new theatre of war, 1941 Unit ID: 5354. AJCP Reel No: 6827 Date: 1941
Resume of operations: 40th Wing, March 1918-May 1918 Unit ID: 2033/204/326/32. AJCP Reel No: 6882 Date: 1918-03/1918-05
Return of aeroplanes and engines taken on and struck off charge of Australian Flying Corps squadrons, September 1917-December 1917 Unit ID: 1073/204/5/1651. AJCP Reel No: 6877 Date: 1917-09/1917-12
Return of Canadians and other colonials serving in RAF, June 1918-February 1920 Unit ID: 34/15/1/201. AJCP Reel No: 6877 Date: 1918-06/1920-02
Royal Australian Air Force: estimated aircraft requirements from UK, 1936 Unit ID: 1791. AJCP Reel No: 6820 Date: 1936
Royal Australian Air Force: proposals for further expansion, 1936 Unit ID: 1750. AJCP Reel No: 6820 Date: 1936